Balance Between Giving and Receiving

Having boundaries are so important, it’s part of balance
to give and receive…

We must give from a place that we are abundant in or else
it will result in negativity later on.

With a start to the new year, it’s important to be aware
of maintaining balance in our lives when it comes to giving and receiving in
all aspects of our lives.

Sometimes we give with a perception that it will come
back to us, maybe that’s true, however we can’t give if we don’t have for
ourselves first.

If you feel depleted in a relationship or perhaps financially, emotionally , mentally then it’s a great time to find your balance again ! Please get in touch if you would like more info in reclaiming your balance and filling your cup do you can serve and help others from a place of abundance within.

Yadiksha Hari Modern Mystery School Practitioner

About Yadiksha Hari

Formerly from South Africa and living in the UK for 13 years. Having a medical background, Yadiksha explored several methods of healing to gain joy, balance and empowerment in her life.

Yadiksha is a teacher, guide and healer in the Modern Mystery School in the lineage of King Salomon. The lineage teachings and healings opened doorways within her to finding her gifts that she now shares with the world , she uncovered her passion and life purpose and most importantly found herself through letting go of everything that did not serve her and lives her life to her fullest potential!

Yadiksha serves humanity by handing down tools and teachings to women's shelters, hospitals and internationally.

Are You Waking Up Feeling Unsettled?


Physical Healing