Woman Unite- Love…

Today for me is a celebration of LOVE and I have been working on my relationship with my sisters around me, observing , releasing , being more kind , communicating, forgiving , and also most importantly creating healthy boundaries.

I realise that a healthy relationship with myself is important and reflects on my external relationships, cleaning , building , strengthening bonds with woman around me .

My weakness is that when someone disrespects me , I shut down, my heart puts up a wall of protection and I don’t wish to associate with people who hurt me, and it has kept me safe these years however I wanted to move passed this pattern when I realised that I could deal with this in a more healthier way. By communication and setting clear boundaries with others .

You have to do what works for you and when you are ready to do so …

If we sisters cannot get along with each other how will we ever be one team…

Let’s be more present with each other , be compassionate knowing that we all have a healing journey of uncovering our big open hearts , nurture all that we are a part of.

I feel this can only work when our intent is to

1. Strengthen relationships amongst ourselves 2. Choose to heal

3. Lead by example so our love will impact others

4. Work on our trust issues

5. Recognise beauty in ourselves and other woman , competition should not exist, however we recognise and acknowledge the authenticity of each Goddess

6. Work on our energy of calmness, nurture , setting clear boundaries

7. Kindness and compassion for others

8. More connection between us

9. Communication

10. Taking responsibility for our triggers and healing our negative patterns - working on self

We are not perfect the way we are - a great book to read by Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon is a great start … I still work on the above and hope to heal this within me so I can contribute to having a deeper connection with my sisters .

I pray that my intent to be more united spreads to the hearts of all woman around the world .

Love 💕

#grow #heal #unite #nurture #modernmysteryschoolUK

Yadiksha Hari Modern Mystery School Practitioner

About Yadiksha Hari

Formerly from South Africa and living in the UK for 13 years. Having a medical background, Yadiksha explored several methods of healing to gain joy, balance and empowerment in her life.

Yadiksha is a teacher, guide and healer in the Modern Mystery School in the lineage of King Salomon. The lineage teachings and healings opened doorways within her to finding her gifts that she now shares with the world , she uncovered her passion and life purpose and most importantly found herself through letting go of everything that did not serve her and lives her life to her fullest potential!

Yadiksha serves humanity by handing down tools and teachings to women's shelters, hospitals and internationally.


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