The other side of Resistance…How to overcome resistance…

“What's meant for you will sometimes feel scary, risky, and new…

 Ease and calm don't always mean you're moving in the right direction

 The biggest rewards usually come from having the guts and perseverance to create your own path… “ Yung Pueblo

Resistance is usually created because of certain blind spots, uncertainty, programming and belief systems- Unfortunately we are our DNA as well as our unique programming. when we make decisions during resistance, we are making them from lack of experience, knowledge, certainty however the wisdom we gain when we surrender to all resistance and overcome the resistance can only be from our direct experience.

Resistance can either slow you down or move you in another direction away from your goals, your joys , your peace and your purpose !

Firstly, how will you become aware of what your resistance is and then How will you overcome your resistance ?

Resistance can show up in many ways, and it will most likely keep you from avoiding what you really desire to do or what might bring you deep healing, in and inner peace. The very nature of resistance shows up as a distraction to what you’ re suppose to be doing. e.g. working out at the gym. and the mind will find something else that’s important to you to do.

Observe yourself, you may ( deep within your heart ) or may not want to connect with the practitioner ( on the surface ) , you may find yourself doing something else , booking a holiday instead , create something else to not be available or being booked on the same date instead of making a decision to commit to yourself.

Resistance and procrastination are the best of friends - clearly indicating that we postpone things way too often and prevents us from living life alive and keeps us from the flow of life.

Methods to overcome resistance:

  • Gain awareness - its important to know yourself so you can identify your resistance. The Life Activation Session can support you.

  • Speak to your Guide- This is one of the reasons a Guide exists within the Modern Mystery School. A Guide has experienced the very same resistance, and has walked the path further to simply identify that resistance exists , chat to you and support you in over coming this resistance resulting in you making the decision to show up and receive healings, teachings and tools. Get in touch.

  • Focus on your Goals - Know your WHY, this will support you in your progression and everything in between is a distraction

  • Strengthen your will- Initiation and Rituals from Empower Thyself, Healers Academy etc. support you in pushing through resistances

  • Connect with your Divine self- When you become in alignment with your divine self and power you will know better.

  • Be like the element of water- Connect with water element using the Max Meditation System . This element can teach you flow in all aspects of your life.

 We all have the ability to be stronger than our resistance and show up for ourselves. There’s no right or wrong answer, no judgement , it’s okay to go through it ..

 Be good to yourself, take care of yourself, love yourself enough to choose to heal and empower yourself  , and sometimes when we release major patterns or blocks resistance will always be present .

 It will be an honour to support you through this journey . Please reach out ! It’s always liberating when you overcome the resistance and step through the other side of surrender, flow and healing !

 With love


Guide - Modern Mystery School

Yadiksha Hari Modern Mystery School Practitioner

About Yadiksha Hari

Formerly from South Africa and living in the UK for 13 years. Having a medical background, Yadiksha explored several methods of healing to gain joy, balance and empowerment in her life.

Yadiksha is a teacher, guide and healer in the Modern Mystery School in the lineage of King Salomon. The lineage teachings and healings opened doorways within her to finding her gifts that she now shares with the world , she uncovered her passion and life purpose and most importantly found herself through letting go of everything that did not serve her and lives her life to her fullest potential!

Yadiksha serves humanity by handing down tools and teachings to women's shelters, hospitals and internationally.

My Experience of Healers Academy studying with the Modern Mystery School- United Kingdom


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