Have you ever done nothing to achieve something great in your Life?

“If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes a sacrifice…” Some introspection about sacrifice, we will always have to sacrifice something to gain something else… for those who wait for the “right” moment “ or not being in the “right headspace “ I have been there , said these words, however when we just show up for ourselves we gain ! Be smart, know yourself , be willing to sacrifice for what your heart desires, strengthen your will, don’t just settle , you are capable of more !

Everything that have accomplished in your life has come from , commitment, discipline, time and energy…

Have you ever contemplated on this.

“What you put in , is what you get out” or the hermetic principle number 1 and 6.

The principle of mentalism.

"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." —The Kybalion

The principle of mentalism states that the universe is akin to a mental projection. The is like manifestation 101, which is all about using your thoughts to shape your reality. For anything to be, a thought must precede it. Through this principle, it's believed that God is consciousness, or thought, and the universe is a manifestation of the mind of God. Using this law, we, too, can harness the power of our minds to create the life we want.

Consider the initial thought that led you to be able to read this, on whatever device you're on. Or even the thought that is most influencing your mood right now.

When we recognize how much our thoughts manifest every day, whether internally as a physiological or emotional state, or externally, as the things we do or places we go, we see that when we can control our mind, we control our lives. We can get better at this through spiritual practices such as meditation, rituals , which help us train the mind, soul and body.

The principle of cause and effect.

"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law." —The Kybalion

Everything is connected through the principle of cause and effect, for each cause of one thing is merely the effect of something else, going back to the very beginning.

Ask yourself, are you a cause? Or are you an effect? This principle is all about acknowledging the effects of our thoughts and behaviour and how we may change them to bring about greater effects.

How to apply it:

When something doesn't go as planned or you find yourself unhappy, ask yourself, what was the cause? Many times, we find ourselves reacting to the world around us, trapped in a back-and-forth of reacting to our circumstances rather than forging our own path. When we take action to get the effect we want, we move from feeling like a victim to feeling empowered.

You are in charge of your life and you stand in your power to create a life you are worthy off, we can be the magician in our lives.

Get in touch if you wish to create a life of joy , inner peace and abundance

Love x

Yadiksha Hari Modern Mystery School Practitioner

About Yadiksha Hari

Formerly from South Africa and living in the UK for 13 years. Having a medical background, Yadiksha explored several methods of healing to gain joy, balance and empowerment in her life.

Yadiksha is a teacher, guide and healer in the Modern Mystery School in the lineage of King Salomon. The lineage teachings and healings opened doorways within her to finding her gifts that she now shares with the world , she uncovered her passion and life purpose and most importantly found herself through letting go of everything that did not serve her and lives her life to her fullest potential!

Yadiksha serves humanity by handing down tools and teachings to women's shelters, hospitals and internationally.


Tribute to Her Majesty…
